Makaila & Edgar Surprise Engagement

     I met Makaila during a very special time in my life, when I was engaged to daniel and planning my own wedding. Our friendship grew really fast and soon I considered her one of my best friends. I didnt think twice before I asked her to be my maid of honor.
   Two short years later, Edgar called us to tell us he wanted to ask beautiful makailas hand in marriage. My first thought was ''Yay Im so happy for her''. I was extremelly excited that Edgar and Makaila were now Soon to be ''Engaged''.
     We made up a plan (Edgar, Daniel and I) of a secret photoshoot to ''advertise our business'' so we could not sound so fishy about the whole idea of a secret engagement.End result ''SHE SAID YES''

Congratulation Makaila and Edgar for your engagement! I cant wait till the actual day where you say ''I DO ''

You deserve all the happiness in the world 

With Love,

Raquel Sergio

Makaila –   – (June 25, 2010 at 2:38 PM)  

Thank you so much girl! I love all the pictures! You do such an amazing job!!! Next... wedding pictures! I love you!!

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