The day hot cocoa beat coffee
Wake up - Turn computer on - Pandora on - Make a cup of coffee ? This is usually how my mind works in the morning,I am a coffe lover 100% but today I tried things a bit different. Actually make that a cup of hot cocoa. How about a little bossa nova in the air too?
I really missed my parents.Which explains the feeling I had to drink some hot cocoa and listen to bossa nova .They always had hot cocoa early in the morning and late at night.
So I looked up in the cabinet and there it was way in the back. A small cocoa mug my mom used to drink in. I knew it was time to use I took it out, and poured some milk and hot cocoa in and warmed it up.just one sip made my day a whole lot better. Moms mug did hold some kind of memory to it and somehow I think that is how The hot cocoa beat the Coffee on my book :)
With love,
- Raquel Sergio